Features Of Java Programming Language.

Features Of Java 

Features Of Java Programming Language

  1. Simple
  2. Object Oriented 
  3. Compiler And Interpreter
  4. Platform Independent
  5. Secured Programming Language 
  6. Multithreaded 
  7. Ruble And Strong Programming Language 
  8. Distributed
  9. Support Exception Handling.


  • Java is a simple programming language all the syntax in java based on c and c++. 
  • Java has removed many complicated features explicit pointers, operator overloading, etc. 
  • There is no need to remove unreferenced objects because there is an automatic garbage collection in java.

Object oriented 

    Java is an object oriented programming language. Is a methodology in which application program can be develop using classes and object so it is simplifies software development and maintenance by providing some rules.
  • Basic concepts of OOPs are:
    1.  Class.
    2.  Object.
    3.  Inheritance.
    4.  Polymorphism.
    5.  Abstraction.
    6.  Encapsulation.

Compiler And Interpreter 
    Java programming language has the fechar of both Compiler and Interpreter. Java source code firstly compile by the compiler and converter in to bytecode and this bytecode is converted into machine code by java Interpreter (JVM).

Compiler And Interpreter

Platform Independent
    Java is platform independent which is write once run anywhere language. Java program can be executed on multiple platforms, for ex : windows, linux, mac/os, etc.

Platform Independent

    Java source code firstly compiled by the compiler and converter in to bytecode this bytecode is a platform independent code because it can be run on multiple platforms by the java.

Secured Programming Language
  1. Java is a secured programming language it is a virus free programming language.
  2. Java is a secured be couse no explicit pointer.
  3. Java programs run inside a virtual machine.
  4. Class loader in java part of java runtime environment which is load java class in to the java virtual machine.
  5. Bytecode verifier checks the code fragment and access rights to objects.


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